Liza Farkas

I was born in 1990 and right after my 1st birthday I was already singing a solo on the streets of Eger, while sitting on my father's shoulders, no matter if they wanted me to do so or not...
...or shouldn't I give so many details?? Then let's skip over a couple of years..., in the tiny tot's class a serious theatrical career was waiting for me when kindergarten teachers discovered my talent and couldn't resist my overwhelming, crystal clear voice - hence I got the singing role of Archangel Gabriel (because for Virgin Mary's I'd have had some hair...☹)
But after that, dream roles unfortunately gave me a miss and came the hard-working years...
Then 8 years of piano, together with solfege (and of course school choir as well...☺).
I've been training my vocal cords and my teacher's ears on private singing lessons for 3 years now.
In the sequel, I managed to take some prizes and got several requests.
I sing in Perfect Unity since 2007, we're busy writing songs and melodies, as well as forging ahead to get fame!!!
Although I gave this style a miss up to now, I'm going to list my faves... (don't laugh because I won't lie): Christina Aguilera, Bryan Adams, P!nk, Evanescence, Daniel Powter and Harry Potter...☺ oops, that's something different...☺ hmm I guess it's fairly enough now cause it's getting more and more jolting... ooh no, I forgot Britney!!! ☺